Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Assignment: What do you think about school?

http://ielspeaking listening.blogspot.com Study for your next quiz
Work on page 14-15 Lesson B What do you think about school?
For your next quiz,
Be able to understand what a restating strategy is and how to use it.
Do Before You Listen
A. Match the pictures with the correct adjective. Then listen.
B. Check the picture that shows your moods.
Extended Listening
A. Be able to use a restating strategy (you ask a question using the speaker’s words.
B. Did you say, “…………”
Catch It! Questions tones – This is a lesson on intonation and stress.
A. If you think you know the answer, your intonation will not go up.
If you are not sure of the answer, or if you are surprised, you will use intonation up at the end of the sentence.

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