Thursday, February 26, 2009

Your next Presentation for IEL 055
Long presentation:
You are going to plan a trip for two to a vacation spot in the US. You have $6,000 and 6 nights, 7 days.
1.Do research on the internet about how you will go; air, bus, train, car.
2.Estimate the cost of your travel. (Travelocity, price line, American Airlines, Metro, Cruise lines, Amtrack, etc)
3.Research a place to stay; bed and breakfast, resort, hotel, etc. and show the price you will pay. Go to; cheap hotels, Marriott, etc.
4. Find three activities you will participate in there – sailing, para sailing, horse back riding, theater or opera, sightseeing, etc. Estimate how much you will spent on this.
Present your vacation to the class.

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