Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday, Jan 28/29 Assignments for IEL

Students may need to continue working on listening to Chinese New Year MP3 reading on the Internet. (See handouts)

If they are finished, Work in Lab on pronunciation of Unit FIVE: s, sh, and ch. at Okanagan University Pronunciation site. Ask Andy for help opening Shockwave if you have trouble. (click on the web site in the right column)

Watch the video on how to form these sounds and do the practice the exercises.

Open/Print out the dialogue*, and practice it with a partner in class.

After that, continue working on the next unit in our lab text, listening to the MP3 selections. Do the exercises. Listen more than one time to really understand each part.

On Thursday, use the headphones with microphones and record yourself * on the Okanagan web site.

In class from 3-4, 1. practice the dialogue again with a new partner and then for your instructor. Work on speaking in thought groups and on correct intonation of endings.

2. Go over the answers to the exercises in the handouts from yesterday (Chinese New Year).

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