Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesdays assignments

Lam Long should give his report. ( Judy helps with setting up instructor computer and overhead)
Briefly play Barack Obama's acceptance speech and review the sentences students wrote yesterday. Skip the Thanks you's

The American Presidential Election The first few minutes only of speech; listen two or more times
Show Utube video of John McCain speech and answer the questions

Listen to John McCain’s speech from Monday, Oct 13

1. How many days until the election? 42 22 12
2. How many points down is McCain? 2 4 6
3. What does he say that the press (tv reporters) have done?
a. given him money.
b. told everyone McCain has lost the election.
c. told everyone that McCain will win the election.
3. What does he say that Obama is “measuring?”
4. a. the oval office b. The drapes in the oval office c. his bedroom in the white house
5. What does he say about Obama
a. Obama will raise taxes
b. He will lower taxes
6. What does he say about Obama will do in Iraq?
a. Send in more soldiers
b. Allow America to accept defeat
7. What does McCain say that America needs
a. A policeman
b. A fighter

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